Monday, November 27, 2017

What is your spaghetti policy here?

Before- Bird Law
I don't have too much to say about the before on this one. This original is pretty boring. Muted colors. Vague text. Also this makes two religious originals in as many posts, so I'm going to tread lightly to hopefully not increase my potential lightning strike odds. The thing I will say about this original  is that I've been sitting on this one for a while. There were a couple of directions I was thinking of taking the text, but generally nothing seemed to be quippy enough to fit in the allotted space. Finally the text dawned on me.

After- Bird Law
If you aren't familiar with the TV show It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia this mod is probably very confusing for you. Actually this blog is probably pretty confusing for you. IASIP is a national treasure at this point. Let's add it to the list of prerequisites for liking this site. (So far the list is: 1) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and now 2) IASIP.) Now that we've established the importance of IASIP let us reflect on the mod.  It seems nothing these days is governed by reason so perhaps we should revert/evolve to Bird Law. Bird Law isn't the kind of law we have right now, but it's the kind of law we need. And if you're going to go with Bird Law, you should probably use the best god damn bird lawyer in the world.

Here at Cross Stitching for Cross People we run this ship pretty lean. Just me, the Maladjusted One, and my esteemed artistic director, the Fluffy One. We had some artistic differences on how the photos for this post would go. In the end, we took it in my direction, but I thought I would share one of the outtakes with all of my many (three-ish?) readers.

I'm sure you've all assumed it, but here's confirmation that yes most of the projects here have touched a butt. Speaking of inappropriate touching, my next post.... it's gonna be huuuuuuuge. Believe me. The lying media doesn't want you to know it's going to be one of the greatest- no the greatest mod of all time.

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